Tag Archives: newspaper

Direct Matin

One of the great things about living in the city is the free newspapers. In almost every metro station you can find either the Metro, Direct Matin, 20 Minutes, or Nous (A Nous? I don’t read that one). While they’re not generally the best written articles, they are free and give you a good idea about what’s happening around the world and around Paris, as well as your handy dandy horoscope which always sounds better in French. The other day while in the metro, I happened to glance over my neighbors shoulder and see the cutest picture in Direct Matin. I was so frustrated because it was in the afternoon which meant Direct Soir was already out, and I wouldn’t be able to get the picture for myself. Turns out though, that Direct Matin puts all it’s papers online in PDF format, which will come in handy next year when I’m having Frenchie withdrawal.

Direct Matin 4 Mars

The cute picture turns out to be in Dusseldorf during carnival, the dragon is the policeman’s son. To the right of that is the “What happened today in history?” section, which talks about FDR’s New Deal. Surprisingly there are often little sections about American history or random culture that you wouldn’t expect to make it into a Parisian newspaper.

French blogs

One of my favorite things to do here is to read through the free newspapers in the metro. My favorites are Metro and DirectMatin. Recently in Metro there was an article about “Les blogueurs français” and a website called golden-blog-awards.fr . It lists French blogs in every possible category, the main ones of food and fashion of course, but also funky things like swedish-electro. Here’s the best ones I found.


– Haven’t tried out the recipes yet, but they look really good.  And hopefully since it’s a student writing it, it won’t be too hard.


Cinema geek, don’t need to say much more. Seems to be well written and all that though, so I’m excited. Especially since thanks to this blog I now know there’s going to be a Cars 2!


Quite the bizarre site, but what else would you expect from a blog devoted to mustaches?


Blog devoted to Zombies. Wonder if they know about HvZ?

Savoir Insolite et Connaissance en tout genre, des informations Insolite sur le monde, la société, la consommation, les aptitudes, des faits divers et bien d’autres…

Did you know that…? The first post I saw was about the universe, so of course I immediately fell in love with this blog. We’ll have to wait and see if I keep up with it though.


There’s a blog about my district! How cool is that! I love anything local so I’m glad I found a way to keep up with what’s going on in the neighborhood. I just hope they update it.